Monday, June 12, 2006

One More Day...

With packages copied...and books read...I believe I am ready to go to Europe. Tomorow is the catch-all day. I need to get my hair cut, work on finishing some last minute projects, and get some sleep before I board the plane. I cannot wait to get there and have a couple days of rest before taking off into all the projects that my friend, Tanya has for me to do.
Some things to pray for...
1. Safety travelling.
2. That my luggage will arrive with me. :)
3. As I look for my flights in all the different terminals.
4. Safety as my friend and I go through all the borders to our final destination.
5. Several opportunities to share my reason for going and how the Lord enabled me to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you everyday.!