Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What I Could Really Go for...

Right now, I could really go for a hot cup of cappacino (Sp?) from the little pastry shop in Chisinau, Moldova. They have the best food and drink. My reason for this is because I need to finish my last paper for my master's class. Tonight is the night, unless I fall asleep with the computer propped on my knees. Tomorrow is the last day - my own personal deadline. After that, I am going to be creating some stuff for the little bizarre that my sister will be participating in with her friend in November. That is so much more fun than writing a thesis paper!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Small Town

Today was a true testament of what is to come - Autumn. Today is was very chilly, so much so I had to shut the upstairs windows and get out a sweatshirt. I love the fall - harvest time and everything that comes with it...even school - yes even that!
I am looking forward to next week. I am also looking forward to the picking of apples and getting ready for the winter, especially here in our small town. I guess it is something about this place that turns on the nostalgia. I was talking to another person who lives here and we both agree that something about this place makes us want to keep staying here.
The flags in each yard. The cute little gardens. The hardware and the everything grocery up town. The small library with all of it's books from the 70's and "country crochet" magazines. The I know everyone here and don't feel bad about asking to pick the berries in your yard. The town square and it's little band that gets even the oddest person to dance and not care what others think. The history fair that still holds the cutest baby and pie baking contest. I guess you could compare it to Jan Karon's Mitford in someone's mind's eye.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Canning Beans

I think I finally got the last of the beans from the garden... Sixteen quarts and I think we're ready for winter. Now for the tomatoes and onions. The canning has just begun.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Do like the little hat from the Art Park in Moldova? My niece certainly did, but she liked the nesting dolls better. She calls them babies in bowls.
Today I brought her a turtle from my sister that just recently visited Jamaica. When we asked her what the carved animal was, she replied..."a tur-tle".

Monday, August 21, 2006

pOOL dAYs of SuMMeR

It is quickly leaving...the summer, that is. You have a couple of weeks left to drink in the sun and to drink up the sun iea from the back porch. For me, I have spent the last couple of weeks with my sister's kids at the pool. Everyday for 2 to 3 hours, we sit in the water and laugh and play.
Today, we played noodle baseball... For those of you who know me baseball is like watching paint dry, but in this case batting around splash balls with a noodle and chasing after it can be very fun and for some entertaining.
I am in no way a beach kinda girl. My tan from this summer is the best so far in my life and I am trying to convince my legs to do the same. Wouldn't it be nice to have kids not ask if I am wearing white stockings in the summer when in fact I am is only the real color of my legs?
So the summer pool days are almost over is sad really....this was the first summer in a long while that I actually had off...
Off to...
1. Go to Europe
2. My sister's to have fun with the kids
3. The pool
4. Garden and can some of the produce from it...
5. Drink and read on the deck
6. Spend time with friends
7. Enjoy life and the passing of each moment!

Friday, August 18, 2006

You have to love this picture that my sister took. She is really a great photographer!
I hope she is getting some great photos while she is in Jamaica.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Bubbles are so fun. Here I am in the South of Moldova teaching this little girl the art of blowing bubbles. You cannot tell by the picture, but she was so excited once she knew how to blow them and pop them.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

If there is one word that could describe the Orthodox churches in Moldova

The Center of Chisinau

Yes, you are not seeing is another Arc de Triumphe not in France, but in the center of Chisinau, Moldova.

Too Perfect to Drink...

During my last days in Moldova, my friend and I stopped everything to enjoy a nice cup of coffee outside at the Pasterie Shop. It was so delicious!

Friday, August 04, 2006


These pictures were taken at the Saharna Monastery in Rezina, Moldova.
The flower above is only one of many kinds you can see there. They are so beautiful.
I love how the pattern of the arch repeats itself over and over as you walk on the bridge.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another HOT one!

Today seems unbearable. I am so glad that there is such a thing as water. I cannot imagine living in a place that does not have water or some source to help keep things cooler. One nice thing about the really helps clean out your pores.:)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


What a day for sweating and sweltering. The heat has made me tired and not really in the mood to do anything. I will be grateful for Thursday when it the meantime, Tomorrow, I will enjoy the pool at my aunt's house. Nothing beats a good swim for an entire day!