Monday, January 30, 2006

Pictures for many YEARS...

So, I have just finished getting my passport and driver's license pictures done. And unfortunately, those pictures will be around for a LONG TIME. My passport picture is not too bad, but it looks like I am a major crank. The student's worst nightmare.

The driver's license picture leaves much to be liked...hello double chin action! Why...when I worked so hard to make my chin look as skinny as possible and still I look like I have been munching on the 30 pack of Timbits at Timmy's where it's SO CHEAP and a 12 pack of HO-HO's (you know the Sam's Club bargain pack...)!

So my mom asks me what I am thinking about from today...I am thinking about double chins and how long I will have to look at those pictures. It is going to be a long time. Maybe I'll move again and have to have them redone, again! Here's to MOVING!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

You'll have to scan in me lurv's pic from his DL - looks like the hick from nowheresville who you would not want to meet in a wooded area with a loaded shotgun...

I'm sure you look always!