A pleasant friendship card with quotes from Dickenson and Emerson written on the inside...

I would like to have 30 handmade cards for the show.
I would also like to have 10-15 photo cards too. The photos used on the cards will be from my trip to Romania and Moldova this summer. Most of the proceeds from the photo cards will be sent to my friend who is a missionary in Moldova.
I am also making hats - child and doll size.
If I get ambitious...that is a big if...I will post a picture of them.
...these are great! I may have to call you soon to chat!
These are beautiful cards. I especially love the Tooth Fairy card. In Norway kids are supposed to leave their milk teeth in a glass of water, the fairy comes during the nights to get the tooth and leaves a coin instead. Then my kids found out that of they left the tooth on an envelope instead of a glass of water they would not get a coin but real paper money :-)
These are beautiful cards. I especially love the Tooth Fairy card. In Norway kids are supposed to leave their milk teeth in a glass of water, the fairy comes during the nights to get the tooth and leaves a coin instead. Then my kids found out that of they left the tooth on an envelope instead of a glass of water they would not get a coin but real paper money :-)
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