I am looking forward to next week. I am also looking forward to the picking of apples and getting ready for the winter, especially here in our small town. I guess it is something about this place that turns on the nostalgia. I was talking to another person who lives here and we both agree that something about this place makes us want to keep staying here.
The flags in each yard. The cute little gardens. The hardware and the everything grocery up town. The small library with all of it's books from the 70's and "country crochet" magazines. The I know everyone here and don't feel bad about asking to pick the berries in your yard. The town square and it's little band that gets even the oddest person to dance and not care what others think. The history fair that still holds the cutest baby and pie baking contest. I guess you could compare it to Jan Karon's Mitford in someone's mind's eye.
I like this one...and I miss "Small Town" this time of year...and all the family stuff that goes with it...
Hey Jessica! I'm so glad I got in touch with you again! It's been forever since I last talked to you. I just spent a month and a half (beginning of June until mid July) at my Mom's. I missed getting a chance to catch up with you, but it sounds like you've had your own busy summer! I'd love to hear what took you to Europe...a group or just on your own! So, what are you up to nowadays? Where are you teaching?
As you can see, we've been seperated from the hubby for awhile and look forward to welcoming him home this weekend! Love to catch up on your life when you get a chance!
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