Saturday, April 21, 2007

News Flash...Teacher turns into Barbie

On the way home from school, while I was carpooling with a friend and her 2 year old daughter, I was asked some very interesting questions.

The little girl with her great big eyes and an inquisitive look on her face asks... "Are you done being a teacher today?"

I replied, "yes, until Monday."

Then she asked, "So, now you are going home to be Barbie?"

I wasn't quite sure what she meant. After a quick discussion with her mom, I was informed that I look like her Barbie princess on her dress up clothes, because of my yellow hair.

Too funny! I have never fancied myself to look like Barbie...but hey, I guess after work, I could go home and be Barbie with one exception - I will not have feet with built in heels!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

My first sweater...

I know it has been a long while, but I did have to post my first sweater that I knitted all by myself. Picking from a simple pattern, I was able to whip this baby up in about 2 months. Not bad, right? Okay, so those knitting diva's could have probably whipped up this little baby in about 2 days or if they are really advanced within a day. But for now, I am perfectly pleased that I could finish it without help and in my mind a short amount of time. haha!
My niece, Little E was thrilled to have a new sweater. Her comments..."For me. Okay!"