Despite the heat and the humidity here at home, I have been baking for my brother before he leaves to go back to TX tomorrow. Chocolate chip cookies, zucchini bread and muffins, beets and beans have been baked, boiled, or snapped. And yes...four more things on my list for today have been crossed off and have somewhat brought me a sens of relief.
Now for the unwanted my final paper for my master's degree. Yucko. I know it is only 5 pages, but when it comes to writing about stuff that I really don't know about (due to the lack of research on my part) it really doesn't beckon me to finish the course. I want it done and done this I think the desire of just wanting it done will outdo the completeness of thought needed to be put into it. I also need to fill out an application for a job which requires a 1 page paper on the importance of technology. Blah, blah, blah... It is important...but really, I don't care to write about it.
So the goods for today...Sent out a resume for another job. Was hired to do some evaluations and will get paid for it (I even got the paperwork done for that.). I found out my presentation for when I went to Romania and Moldova won't need to be done until September. My chocolate chip cookies turned out incredibly well.
Have a good day...get lots done and if you are cooking, turn on a fan!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Time Changes Everything

1. Night into day.
2. Rain into sun.
3. Long grass into close shaven lawn.
4. Food into energy.
5. Seeds into beautiful flowers.
6. Exercising for health into exercising your mind.
7. Ideas into gifts.
8. Music into a smile.
9. Aquantances into close friends.
10 Day into night.
Consider each day a gift and turn it into something memorable!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Home...At Last
I have finally made it back to the States and in one piece. What a wonderful trip. Hopefully this week I will be able to write different excerpts of what happened. Thank you for your prayers while I was over there and for the trip home.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Finish up Tuesday
Today, Tanya and I must finish the projects at the office. We purchased the carpet, but there is still some cleaning to do. We have been going non-stop since I have gotten here in June! After today, we will visit friends and go to Old Orhei to the Monastary. I am hoping to get some great pictures.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Restful Home

Last night, Tanya, our friend Tina, and I stayed home to get manicures and make-overs. It was so nice to be with close friends and to just relax. It was like the Princess Party Beth and I had for the preschoolers from church.
After several cream...a round of Phase 10...we decided it was time to retire for the evening.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The Passing of Time
Since coming to Moldova, all things seem to come and go too quickly. It seems just like yesterday when I was boarding the plane to come to this beautiful country. The time drifts as the days press on - moment into moment. On Monday, we said goodbye to our MA team of 13. They were such a great help in getting the office ready for the next 6 months. Our interpreters have become our great friends who have decided to not work...but to help us in any way possible. Each day our friendship grows stronger and it appears that as we leave for the States at the end of will be a very tearful goodbye. Time does not pause or wait, but presses on.
Yesterday, we went to Cahul and another small village to deliver some materials. Although the people in this region have very little...their hearts show great contentment and joy as they seek to serve the Lord and those around them. If there has been anything I have learned in the last couple of weeks, it is the fact that those that have the joy of the Lord in their hearts and lives truly possess all they need.
Yesterday, we went to Cahul and another small village to deliver some materials. Although the people in this region have very little...their hearts show great contentment and joy as they seek to serve the Lord and those around them. If there has been anything I have learned in the last couple of weeks, it is the fact that those that have the joy of the Lord in their hearts and lives truly possess all they need.
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