Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tulips and Baguettes
Carlos Spaventa

I love this picture.

It is such a great reminder of the simpler things in life.

Little Inspirations Cards from DaySpring
I always loved this card from my friend, Tanya.
Even since then, the criteria is still the same.:)

Monday, January 29, 2007

I finally got my blog looking the way I want for a little while.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Artist of the Week

This picture was drawn for me by one of my first grade special needs students last week.
He also drew a red bird for me.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A New Year...

I cannot believe that 2007 is already here. I remember thinking that the 2000's were so far away. I also remember a bulletin board made by my English teacher. It read, "Where will you be and what will you be doing 20 years from now?" At the time, I couldn't even imagine where I would be or what I would be doing.
I am pretty much where I left off...still living at home and working (a different kind of work than everyday work from school, but still at school). But one thing has definitely changed since that first look at the bulletin board. I am thankful that I know the Lord so much better than I did then. His Word has taught me so much as with the different experiences. Just this morning when I was reading Proverbs...the words are so much more meaningful...because I finally have grasped the true importance of them and what they stand for.
Another thing I have learned this year is from my trip to Europe this year. The people from the countries I have visited have taught me so much about contentment and waaiting on the Lord without worry. Despite the different trials, they sought out strength from the Lord and it was evident in every moment of their lives.
I hope that this year, I can live my life worthy of the One who created me.
For in Him, we live and move and have our being!